Tom updates the Frontpage art every morning as part of his routine. If you're looking to get featured on the frontpage and trying to coax the system, I would advise against it. It is better to be noticed naturally.
Yeah, something like that.
Age 30
Kool Skool
Los Angeles
Joined on 8/11/09
Tom updates the Frontpage art every morning as part of his routine. If you're looking to get featured on the frontpage and trying to coax the system, I would advise against it. It is better to be noticed naturally.
Yes, I put that he frontpages art in the morning NG Time
So what, in your opinion, is the line between being noticed naturally vs coaxing the system?
I tried a lot of this but uHHHHHHHH trial and error i guess
Keep drawing, keep improving, you'll get there man!
It’s just luck.
I’ve been browsing the Art Portal for a while now and I’ve seen genuine masterpieces get ignored and some arguable works getting the spotlight. Some Long-time artists here never get frontpaged while a new artist who has yet to receive “scout status” gets frontpaged after a piece gets a few votes.
My recommendation: Never art dump!
Try to post just a few pieces of work a day and post at different times. There may not be a lot of activity in certain hours, so posting your works during different times of day (morning, noon, or night) may increase the chance of being noticed. Dumping them all in a span of a day, or even an hour in some cases, might have negative effects to how viewers see your works: overexposure, stuffing followers’ feed, etc. Add that to possible inactive days or hours, and you’re asking for your works to be ignored.
It's not an exact science, and I'm not saying what you've said regarding longtime artists being overlook isn't true, because it definitely happens. The unscouted user being frontpaged after a few votes is a bit weird because votes don't add to visibility; maybe they posted in the forums? I'm sharing my experience as an art moderator, and as someone who's been posting art to the site for a little over a decade now. So, while I don't think this is the end-all-be-all (or really that anyone should put too much value in being FP'd at all), I feel my experience is not insignificant to the users asking these questions.
I do agree dumping art is definitely a bad practice, unless the poster has a varied set of art styles, or is just really really good. Posting back to back similar thumbnails are more than likely going to get ignored by the general population when they're browsing the portal.
@SourCherryJack ive seen pixel art around my level get frontpaged so ill pursue that as well
If your heart is in it and you're having a good time, you can never go wrong.
@SourCherryJack do you like milk? if so what's your favourite flavor
Not really no, but in the rare instance I eat cereal I'll generally go for whole milk.
@SourCherryJack I understand and I’m not arguing anything against your long term experiences here. I just wanted to put emphasis on, like you said, it not being an exact science. As with all social media, you basically have to trip into being noticed.
Maybe I’m misremembering the unscouted example because it was probably this one case I recall where the artist only had four pieces and the piece that got frontpaged had not many views and very few votes.
As for art dumping however, I argue that it’s bad no matter the quality or the variation of the pieces. If they’re all masterpieces, shouldn’t each masterpiece have their own time in the artist’s personal spotlight? Art dumping masterpieces is like shipping paintings to a museum in bulk by UHaul.
This begs the question to whoever does this: why do you prefer dumping your art all at once over posting like one to four a day? You have a whole portfolio of excellent works and you decide to squander their notice-potential overnight?
Well there's the thing, Newgrounds isn't like other social media. The 'content' is not curated by an algorithm, there's no ai learning what an individual user likes and showing them more like it; there are moderators and admins who frontpage the art, music, and animations. So there isn't an ever changing algorithm to chase to maximize views and exposure, if an artist is trying to get noticed or 'play the system' they're working with getting human curators' attention. Also with a much smaller userbase and pool of 'content' to be in competition with here on NG, there is a lot less blind luck when it comes to getting attention, than there is on sites like Instagram or Twitter.
The cases where small relatively new accounts get a frontpage does happen pretty frequently. I've frontpaged art from artists new to the site after they posted in the forums and caught my attention with some really nice art. So I frontpaged it. Being frontpaged is in no way tied to length of time spent on the site; cool art is cool art and if a Mod or admin comes across it, it'll get frontpaged. If you're following an account that has great art that you feel deserves to be featured, by all means, go to the thread in the general forum (link in my post) and post their work up in there.
I can't speak to why people dump art, but hey, it's their rodeo I guess.
Very informative! Thanks for taking the time to explain how it all works
You're welcome, it beats rewriting or copy and pasting it every few days in the art forum
AI Algorithms was never on my mind when I wrote that. Even social media sites that use those features, users still have to rely on other users to get and keep recognition. Horror games during the 2010s exploded not because of an algorithm, it was because popular YouTubers used their games for their videos and got a fruitful return because of it. You said you’ve frontpaged new users. To the artist, that’s still luck because they don’t know the person who frontpaged them, yet they’ve managed to grab the certain mod’s attention and thus spontaneously granted something beneficial for them. Also, I hope you and those who are reading my post understand that I don’t mean any of this as a negative thing or a complaint: It’s just the magic of all of us being social animals!
My ultimate statement is:
1. Don’t Art Dump because it’s a waste to yourself, your work, and others.
2. Don’t have your artistic career depend on following trends. It’s best for Lady Luck to hit you when you are doing what you absolutely love! I strongly believe Friday Night Funkin’ was never expected to be a hit.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Bookimarking for future reference :)
I've always thought that you just have to put effort into the art you're making, two of my pieces got Frontpaged, art of Doraemon and one of good ol' Psychogoldfish, gonna definitely be using this guide to my advantage, again thank you so much! :D
You do have to put effort in, and to reiterate, you shouldn't draw strictly to be frontpaged. This is just a list of what tends to end up frontpaged, and how it works. Working hard and making really good art is always going to be the best way to get noticed and fulfil yourself
thank you now i know how to get to newgrounds frontpage walkthrough 2022 working no hacks
@SourCherryJack absolutely, art is all about expression, and that's what it'll always be about, getting noticed and Frontpaged is just a bonus and a great motivator :)
This is interesting, thank you for the thread!
No problem!
To get specific on my routine, every morning I go through all of the E-M art by scouted artists from the past 24 hours (while listening to the Audio Portal from the past 24 hours). I check Undiscovered occasionally but generally depend on the community to scout good artists. If a good artist gets scouted but never posts any additional art, there is a chance they could get overlooked. This is where the Front Page Suggestions thread is especially helpful.
On the topic of "art dumps", I agree this isn't the best approach. Sometimes someone will post the 10-20 pieces of art they made over the past year and if they are all good, I'll likely feature one of them and if I'm on the ball, I'll revisit them over the coming days to feature more. That doesn't always happen, though, so you would get much better results if you spread your art out over multiple days.
If someone wants to bait me specifically, Neo Geo and Treasure (game company) fan art holds a special place in my heart. I try to feature a lot of OCs too, though. Pixel art, sci-fi and robot stuff is always welcome.
Thanks for dropping in with the breakdown! Never would've guessed you'd be into NeoGeo fanart
Thanks for the info!
Thanks for the advice!!! I'll keep working hard until one day I get one
One question, multiple versions adds some points to get frontpaged? As I have seen some art getting frontpaged that has multiple art for the same context
Just saw this, and no, uploading multiple versions isn't going to make it any more or less likely for a piece to get put on the Frontpage. One of the versions might resonate more with a mod, but overall if a piece is good, minor variants aren't going make or break it getting featured.
So the scientific way to get on the front page is to make fanart (play with people's nostalgia), post daily, and use the 5:00 am to 10:00 am optimum time!
That settles it, I need to actually make a Personal Art Thread after having put it off for a while. Gonna hop on that "Gajillionaire Grindest".
Wait... I have to MAKE art for it to get frontpaged!?... *sigh*
If you prefer, you can try making ‘Content’
Thank you for this advice, never really thought about it but much better artists are gonna get a lot more mileage out of this than I could. Maybe someday but who knows
what if I get hungry and mc donalds is closed?
Just sit outside and wait for it to open.