Very nice! I love the contrast in this, you're definitely using charcoal in a way that plays to its strengths. The crispness of the edges and the solidity of the fills where its pure black gives it a lot of pop and strengthens the white very nicely; it also goes very nicely with the less solid fills of the lighter shading which adds some texture and gives more weight to the bear.
The background does a very good job of balancing the tones in the picture especially the way it gradates into black on the right side and leads into the deep shadows of the bear's neck. That being said the way the black along the neck leads to the other side all the way across makes it appear as though the top of the bears head is kind of floating, and the hard black silhouetted against the grey is awkward and breaks the flow of the bear's left side, the tones should probably be more consistent along the edge. The left ear's interior could also probably use some greater definition along the ridge of the interior, granted I don't know the exact way the bear looked under the lamp, but I think it would help overall if the edge of the ear were darker to better indicate it.
The last and most important thing I'l say about this is that the picture you've taken could be much better. Right now the way the drawing is angled in the picture is really harming its presentation. You should make sure the drawing is parallel to the lens of the camera, especially when the drawing has rectangular dimensions like this one. It is really off-putting when the edges of the drawing don't line up with the frame of the image window.
Hope this helped in some capacity, great work!